Friday, 18 September 2009

Textual Analysis

We began the year by analysing film extracts used in past AS exams. Bond used a variety of London landmarks such as the Millenium Dome and Canary Wharf to establish the setting and we identified product placement and how the pace of editing was crucial to the chase scene. Lord of the Rings used sound to create meaning, utilising a full orchestra to elicit a range of responses from the audience such as a double bass creating a sense of foreboding and strings creating tension. Mission Impossible was typical of a Hollywood blockbuster offering some clear 'signifiers' about the role of Tom Cruise in the film. As it was the opening sequence the hero was clearly defined as a messianic figure, literally hanging off the rocks in a crucifix position. This pre-figured the narrative of the film where the hero puts his life on the line repeatedly to save the world. Spiderman used a range of special effects which may have subliminally promoted the accompanying video game which was hugely popular. At times the movement of spiderman looked like video game graphics rather than film. We conisdered whether this was intentional.

A lot of new terminology has been learnt which we then applied to an unseen extract from Star Wars. This will form your initial assessment, results of which will be found on MOODLE in due course. There are a range of sources in the library and online which will help you to develop your knowledge of film language and we will be returning to this topic when we create our own moving image productions after half term. I am looking forward to helping with some Cornish horror films using the wild and spectacular landscape of Penwith.