You can find out more about University courses and explore Degree level audio/visual work. Here are some of the bets places to study film and media.
Students who have been to Leeds Met speak very highly of their courses. High production values and working with budgets make this almost an industry experience
Bournemouth University has long been regarded as running the best Media courses in the country
Warwick is very prestigious and high grades are needed. Their courses are academic rather than practical and they are re-knowned for the study of film
Coventry University has a Media centre based in a converted cinema. The show-reel of student work is interesting
My advice is to think about the place you wish to study aswell as the course.
The Film Education web-site produced by the BFI has a lot of resources for you to explore
The Media Magazine is an absolute must for students o Media courses. It is written by students, teachers and creative practitioners. It is full of case studies and hints and tips about coursework and media production. Your school will subscribe to the online and print editions so hat you can access this in your library
Sight and Sound is the magazine produced by the BFI and has articles about film which you may find challenging but are appropriate for Advanced level where you are developing your knowledge of film and subject specific terminology
The Guardian newspaper has excellent online content and the print editions run a media section on Monday and a Film and Music section on a Friday
These are some text-books that you can use to further your understanding of media studies:
The Media Student’s Book (Gill Branston with Roy Stafford) Chapter 14
AS Media Studies for WJEC (Anthony Bateman)
Exploring the Media (Barbara Connell)