Discuss the following trailer for a TV Drama starting its sixth series on Sunday.
Apply the key concept of representation.
You are going to analyse this sequence from a TV Drama. Apply the learning from previous classes and use subject specific terminology to de-construct the sequence. Your response will form your initial assessment.
Here are some guidelines from the exam board, OCR, on what you need to cover;
Use of the camera
• Shots: establishing shot, master shot, close-up, mid-shot, long shot, wide shot, two-shot, aerial
shot, point of view shot, over the shoulder shot, and variations of these.
• Angle: high angle, low angle, canted angle.
• Movement: pan, tilt, track, dolly, crane, steadicam, hand-held, zoom, reverse zoom.
• Composition: framing, rule of thirds, depth of field – deep and shallow focus, focus pulls.
Includes transition of image and sound – continuity and non-continuity systems.
• Cutting: shot/reverse shot, eyeline match, graphic match, action match, jump cut, crosscutting,
parallel editing, cutaway; insert.
• Other transitions, dissolve, fade-in, fade-out, wipe, superimposition, long take, short take, slow
motion, ellipsis and expansion of time, post-production, visual effects.
Production design: location, studio, set design, costume and make-up, properties.
• Lighting; colour design.
Consider the concept of representation in relation to this extract from the British TV drama 'Spooks'
Here is a link to another extract used by OCR for an exam in the past. Candidates were asked to discuss the issue of representation of physical ability.