Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Planning an answer

 We will answer this question together by planning a response with knowledge of the mark scheme.

You are aiming for 8-10 marks to gain a distinction

  • Use appropriate terminology
  • Use a wide range of examples
  • Write in a fluent, confident and accurate style
  • Provide a detailed, sophisticated analysis of possible meanings being constructed

Here is the question;


Q7 Analyse how masculinity is represented in the extract from the film 'Black Panther'.

You should reference each representation with relevant examples from the text. (10 marks)


Now watch the clip at least three times and make notes about the examples that you plan to use.


We will now plan the answer together and improve our notes.


Below is a real example that gained 8 marks. 

The spelling mistakes, etc, are the student's own work not mine.

'Masculinity is shown through-out the trailer this is due to a lot of stereotypes that women bring to films. This is because showing a woman on screen shows love and affection it also brings weakness to the film which isn't what they want to portray through an action film. A female isn't shown during the first 56 seconds of a minute and 18 second trailer. This shows how they didn't want that stereotype to be given to the film.

The face of the women in this scene isnt fully shown either diminishing her presence and giving the scene to the male character standing next to her. Even the

vocals used in the trailer are all male and not female, this is because the female voice has a stereotype of being calm and nurturing which again is something that the producers are trying the stay clear of.

The masculinity is also shown through the build of the characters and how they are muscular and strong a very big stereotype to the male figure is that they all are unemotional and always ready to fight something that this trailer wants the audience to believe and to get from the film.

At the 45 second point into the trailer we see a fight seen suing weaponry and also of blood and killing this indicates towards the masculine traits also as when we see a female with a weapon it is strange to the eye while a male with a gun is more typically accepted. The way the the black panther fights this crew pf people is with no feeling and no remorse to the people he has just killed showing the audience the stereotype of no emotion. Another way that this is achieved is by having the next clip be the male laughing, this isnt connected but it has been edited together to have the laugher seem to be about the killing giving it no hint of sadness.

The female presences in the film are only shown dressed up with makeup and dresses giving them a more pretty aspect than anything else it doesnt give the audience a feeling that they are able to fight and still gives the trailer a feeling of masculinity. 


Here is the examiner's comment


The learner has provided some well-chosen examples from the text which have been explained well and are relevant to the demands of the question. The learner has also looked at the juxtaposition of the female representations against the male characters. 


With that knowledge you can hopefully write a confident answer.