Monday, 7 June 2010

World Cup adverts

Advertising texts are a great source of material for the media student and these adverts for the World Cup are wonderful texts to study from a variety of angles.

The Nike advert 'Write the Future' was launched during the Champions League final and ITV managed to cut off the Nike branding at the end for viewers in some parts of the UK. The slot cost an estimated £350,000- £500,000. Is advertising on television value for money or is the future of advertising online ? What does this say about the future for ITV and commercial television ?

The World Cup is a real saviour for broadcasters who rely on advertising and this is discussed in another article which says that bookings for advertising are up 25% due to the World Cup.

Make your own mind up about whether this epic works and then research how other audiences have received the advert. In the Guardian the advert gets a pasting.

As an example of interactive media and viral advertising the buzz around the Nike adverts really works as evidenced by the 5 million You Tube viewings in the first four days.

Adidas are hitting back by showing their new advert during England's opening match on Saturday. Again it has been available on the internet so that it becomes viral. This means that people send it on to friends and use social networking tools like twitter and facebook and it becomes an internet phenomenon. Advertisers are incredibly clever in the way they manipulate their audiences, in this case worldwide, in order to make us buy more. Interactive media is becoming the best way to reach key audiences for these products. Iconic figures from the entertainment industry such as Snoop Dogg, Noel Gallagher and Daft Punk provide a global reach and reflect the blurring of sports and entertainment industries brought closer through celebrity and tabloid culture.

Possible questions to reflect upon ;

How do the adverts represent national identities and ethnicity ?
What intertextual references can you identify ?
Why is football a marketeers dream ?
How do the adverts appeal to a global audience ?
Can you define and profile a target audience ?
How are other sponsors and advertisers using the World Cup as a platform to sell their
products ?

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