Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Example using screenshots

Pixie Lott is framed in this shot, descending stairs seductively and stops to pose in a provocative manner to address the camera directly.  This pose and the mise-en-scene of costume and make-up would support Mulvey’s theory that this video is made to appeal to a male audience.  The representation of the female artist has many similarities with the way female stars in the golden age of Hollywood(1930-1950) were portrayed in classic Hollywood Cinema. Mulvey states, ‘In their traditional exhibitionist role women are simultaneously looked at and displayed, with their appearance coded for strong visual and erotic impact so that they can be said to connote to-be-looked-at-ness’.

In another shot Pixie Lott is shown writhing on a dining table surrounded by male diners in evening wear.  This could connote that she is being literally consumed by men and one could argue that she is objectified as another expensive delicacy such as the lobster in the shot that is to be consumed by men. 

To research and apply a media theory to your research investigation

During your study of the media you will be introduced to a range of academic studies and approaches to media texts.  Academics have developed viewpoints and theories, particularly in literature and film, which allow them to create a framework to de-construct the texts. For example, ‘Marxist’ and ‘Feminist’ readings of texts suggest that texts are political in nature and have power over an audience to construct a vision of the world. They would argue that messages and values that a text upholds can have an effect on an audience that needs to be challenged.  Post-modernist theory suggest that texts are not wholly original anymore and are an intertextual patchwork of common cultural connections. 

In your research investigation you must engage with a theory and apply it to the texts that you are studying.  In this example you will look at the theories of the feminist film theorist, Laura Mulvey, and apply them to music videos.

This academic theory is a key part of higher education studies of the media and literature which you may want to follow at University.

You must research the theories that Laura Mulvey wrote about in ‘Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema’ for Screen Journal in 1973.
Although writing about film you could apply her theories to the music videos that you are studying and discuss representation of gender using her ideas as a framework.

You must gain an understanding of the concept of the ‘male gaze’. This suggests that films and in your study music videos are made for the visual pleasure of a male audience.  Women are therefore represented to satisfy the  voyeuristic or fetishistic pleasure of the male viewpoint.   

You must watch the two music videos and decide how far you agree with Mulvey’s theory in relation to the texts you have chosen.

Focus on the way the camera is used to frame the artist and the way the artist is presented.

The essential question is about who you think the primary audience is.  If the video is made to gratify the needs of a male audience then how has the artist and director accomplished this through types of shots used and mise-en-scene?  If you think there is a different primary audience then you can debate how far Mulvey’s theory can be applied.

You must write a 300 word analysis of the music videos in which you apply the theory of the male gaze.

Go from the specific to the general by choosing key frames from the video to illustrate your points.

Thursday, 28 June 2012

A comparative example using 'Cry Me Out' by Pixie Lott

What should be done:

You must choose a ‘rich’ text.  In this example we are focusing on representation of gender in music videos, therefore I will choose ‘Cry me out’ by Pixie Lott.

Begin by watching the text and making notes about messages and values. You can do this as a mind-map.

Create a table as below and organise your thoughts into a detailed de-construction of the text

Once you have completed a table and decided what the messages and meanings are then you can organise a written response of approximately 300 words. Use screenshots to illustrate your points.

How should it be done?

Mind map your ideas and observations as you watch the music video at least three times

Pick four or five key points in the video which you can use to explain the messages and values.  Refer to your key concept in your analysis

De-constructing ‘Cry me out’ by Pixie Lott

What can be denoted
What you can see

What is connoted
What the signifier means

Pixie Lott descends the stairs in a large mansion singing and addressing the camera in a series of sensual and provocative poses wearing a tight fitting black dress and high heels. She is heavily made up with carefully arranged blonde hair and close-ups reveal her pouting coyly.

Pixie Lott is positioned on a chair  looking insouciantly splendid while someone dressed as a traditional maid- servant in uniform ties her shoelaces

In this shot Pixie Lott is lying on a table covered with food such as lobster surrounded by men drinking wine.  This is a bird’s eye view of the artist writhing on the table dressed and made-up in evening wear.

There are further scenes of Pixie Lott dancing in her mansion and drinking a cocktail by a swimming pool.

At the end there are two close ups of the male crying and then Pixie Lott sardonically wiping her own tears away

This sequence reveals the beauty and glamour of the artist as someone the audience may aspire to be.  She is the essence of British celebrity and one could apply the theory of Laura Mulvey’s ‘male gaze’ to suggest that she is seducing the camera. The camera being the male point of view. 

The lyrics suggest that it is her male partner’s loss that their relationship is over as he is seen crying in the opening frames and it is intimated that he cheated on her, ‘you played me.’

The image is of someone so rich that she has servants to address every whim.  Is this idle life of the rich a positive aspirational role model for young women? It brings to mind celebrity culture and the image of the footballer’s wife or girlfriend celebrated in lifestyle magazines.

The artist is trying to make her ex-partner jealous by showing she has forgotten him. However, in terms of representation this is problematic as the men are almost ‘devouring’ Pixie Lott as if she is an expensive consumable like the food and wine. 

These images of an idle rich lifestyle are meant to show the ex-partner what he is missing.  There is a decadent splendour to the way her lifestyle is shot in black and white that glamourises the artist.

This suggests that Pixie Lott is in control of this relationship and far from being hurt she is over the pain and having a great time. This may appeal to a female audience as it is the aggrieved party who was ‘played’ that is now in the better position.

Other questions that you could consider

What is your opinion of the representation of gender in this video ?

How is an audience targeted?

How could you link the representation of Pixie Lott in this video to the wider representations of women in celebrity culture and media such as lifestyle magazines?

Textual analysis for the research investigation

Introduction to the task:

A form of secondary research is textual analysis.  The exam board suggest that you focus on ‘one but more usually two or more’ texts when conducting your research investigation.

The texts that you choose must be the core of your investigation and will be used for primary research also as you will ask audiences about them.

Therefore, they need to be ‘rich’ texts, meaning that they must offer a lot for you to discuss.

You choose your texts and then de-construct them to analyse meanings and messages

An example will be used to explain the methodology

The exam board want you to go from the ‘specific to the general’ so pick five key scenes in the video to illustrate your points and use screenshots in your final written piece.

What should be done:

You must choose a ‘rich’ text.  In this example we are focusing on representation of gender in music videos, therefore I will choose ‘Bad Romance’ by Lady Ga-Ga.

Begin by watching the text and making notes about messages and values. You can do this as a mind-map.

Create a table as below and organise your thoughts into a detailed de-construction of the text

The music videos of artists such as Lady Ga-Ga are eagerly awaited by cultural commentators and fans and there are web-sites which offer readings of the texts which might help you.

Before you do so it is important to make your own connections and observations.

Once you have completed a table and decided what the messages and meanings are then you can organise a written response of approximately 300 words. Use screenshots to illustrate your points.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Compose a title

What should be done:

1    Use the archive of Media Magazine in your library or the online edition to explore possible media issues and debates.  This is a resource written by teachers, students and people who work in media industries and is a good way to explore a range of possible areas that may interest you.

2     Choose the medium that you wish to explore

3    You need to explore a key concept out of one or more of the following;

Genre  - Narrative - Representation

4    Choose an area of interest and outline your investigation by creating a working title

For example, ‘An investigation into representation of gender in music videos’

   Write a 100 word synopsis of your investigation and present this to your class for discussion

Here is an example of a possible investigation;

Working title

‘An Investigation into the representation of gender in the music videos of Lady Ga-Ga and Pixie Lott’

Area of interest

I will conduct close textual analysis of two key music videos, ‘Bad Romance’ by Lady Ga-Ga and ‘Cry Me Out’ by Pixie Lott.  I will compare and contrast representations of these popular artists and decode messages and values inherent in the narratives of each video. I will then apply media theories studied such as Laura Mulvey’s ‘male gaze’ and conduct secondary research to look at how these texts have been received by audiences and the wider critical media.  I will then conduct my own primary research by holding focus groups and using the results of focused questionnaires to see how a target audience respond to the texts.  A question I hope to answer is about the effects of  these representations of gender on the main target audience of teenage women.

How should I present the task?

On one sheet of A4 outline your area of investigation in approximately 100 words and provide a working title

Present this to your class for discussion

This will form the basis of a tutorial with your teacher who will advise and assist in clarifying the direction of your investigation