As a group we concluded that the lyrics are not always listened to closely as the visual images are most striking. Once the lyrics are understood the message becomes clearer. Some found the posturing in rap/ hip-hop/ grime videos cliched and ridiculous. Some felt they were threatening and anti-social and encouraged similar behaviour. Ben Drew talks about growing up and a desire to fit in and use the some language as his peers and music becomes his focus as a creative outlet and a way of expressing himself and his views and angst. We discussed the riots and how decent young people acted as a mob and did things that they would never do individually and how they must now be horrified by their actions. This led to a discussion of the collective unconscious and Carl Jung's theories. Books like the 'Ox Bow Incident' set in America where a mob lynch a man and 'The Crucible' where peer group pressure leads to disaster. We discussed adolescent 'pack' behaviour where a desire to be part of something and to gain self worth in a twisted form as the tough guy or girl leads to unspeakable acts. The issue of 'girl gangs' was raised and the young woman in the video filming the beating seemed particularly resonant.
The message seemed to be that if services and places that are currently being cut by politicians are provide then anti-social behaviour can be curbed. A sense of alienation and a lack of self-worth will only foster resentment and an explosion of anger directed in no particular form as there is no framework. Ignorance can become endemic and the desire to destroy takes over if there is no outlet to be creative and have a voice. New media technologie and music are providing this outlet and Ben Drew was seen as a role modle for success and aspiration. We talked about how poverty can be cyclical and generational. On the whole we felt that the 'underclass' represented in this video and other texts like 'Shameless' still retains humanity and avoid cliche and stereotyping. The tragedy of the riots was the waste of energy and the message is that if this can be directed to provide a clear voice and a proper debate about the underlying issues then we can address them as a society. We came back to Margaret Thatcher's quote about there being.' no such thing as society'. However, we felt that there was a need for positive role models and as the trust in teachers and politicians fails then Ben Drew seemed to be someone who could speak to a generation of disaffected youth.
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