The Daily Express front page for October 16th 2014 shows the threat of a hurricane. Fear sells newspapers and the Express use the topic of the weather to shift issues, particularly to the impulse buyer. We all love to talk about the weather, and this trait in the British public is exploited by the Express in the form of a weather related front page at least once a month. In previous years they would use stories about Madeline McCann and before that Princess Diana for their front page splash.
Points to consider
- Why does the Express have the weather as front page news?
- How does the 5p badge work on the front page?
- What is the effect of alliterative language such as 'Batter Britain' and other emotive language 'wild Gonzalo'?
- Why have Princess Diana or Madeleine McCann stories on the front page?
- What is the audience for the Daily Express?
- The ABCs show that the Express sells 467,00 copies a day down from 529,000 last year. Comment on this data.
The forecast suggest this Hurricane in Bermuda will lose power over the Atlantic and the tail may hit the UK. Some forecasts suggest Scotland may in fact have a beneficial effect of warm dry weather in the October half-term sucked up from the South as a result.
and next week...
Did a hurricane 'Batter Britain' ?
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