Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Audience profiling

A new tool is available to allow audience profiling.  You-Gov is an interesting and growing company that carries out polls into issues of the day to establish trends using data to back up their findings.  This information increasingly informs political and business decisions. Explore some of these issues on their web-site.

This article explains how You-Gov  has created an app stereotyping the lifestyle choices of audiences for specific media texts.

This should help you to identify audiences for your own product and to help you to understand how audience profiling works in media industries.  Ideas about what a typical consumer eats, preferred activities such as sports and even pets allow them to build a composite character.  Along with your study of the Mosaic system of audience segmentation produced by credit company Experian you should be able to use this information to build a more specific profile of your target audience.

Play with the app to see if it can help you identify an an audience for your production. You can also use the web-site. Both are fantastic for our purposes our very user friendly.

For example,  search, 'Benefits Street'.

You will discover television programmes appealing to a similar audience and other correlations which indicate the politics or likes of the audience. It also offers opinions from people who have signed up to the you-gov web-site as a user making the service interactive. The incentive for someone signing up to use this service is that they may be able to influence decision making.

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