Web 2.0 is where we are now with user generated content and mass interactivity and collaboration particularly with the advent of social media.
In 2016 the internet is a place of sharing and collaboration with a range motives driving this impulse to broadcast and create.
If you would believe GQ magazine then Instagram is the hot app at the moment and has its finger on the pulse, although be wary about who is stating 'what is cool' and why? Audiences are more aware of being manipulated and quickly move on to the next thing if they feel they are being conned. Instagram was bought by Facebook in 2012 when they recognised the potential of a tool that uploaded a photo and then allowed comment so that this visual medium tied in perfectly with new Apple technology such as the i-phone. It has proved incredibly successful and has made stars of a range of artists and random hipsters and has allowed a platform for access to followers/fans. A tool is created to fill the need as the web evolves (Clay Shirky) and social media becomes more widespread and sophisticated. Early adopters set the trends and the masses follow. These early adopters often have a reason for promoting the app in that they feel they may gain, money, fame, recognition or develop a career by using it. In the world of web 2.0 this is now a reality.
Have a look at the Instagram account for 'Fat Jewish' to see how careers can be made through use of social media. This article explains his success further.
'I was getting paid to be an idiot'
Is the Internet making us stupid?
Is 'Big Media' (Apple, Facebook) trying to control our internet experience?
Social media and the cult of celebrity could be said to have entered the world of academia. Academics must publish research and contemporary articles to justify their positions and the world of media theory is no exception. British academic David Gauntlett has developed his own particular USP in using LEGO to make a point about creativity. It is your task to develop a critical perspective of the theories that these academics expound.
Gauntlett is concerned with the human drive to create which the internet and tools that social media has provided in the form of software and apps has unlocked this creativity. The fruits of this can be shared and an identity created online that can put your skills and accomplishments in the shop window in a myriad of forms.
He identifies five key principles in his book Making is Connecting (2010)
1 A new understanding of creativity as process, emotion and presence
2 The drive to make and share
3 Happiness through creativity and community
4 A middle layer of creativity as social glue
5 Making your mark and making the world your own
His latest book is Making Media Studies (2015) This is a positive message about using the media to make the world better through creativity and sharing. Creative spaces such as libraries as community hubs where people can meet to create are explored. In this clip he also refers to the darker side of the internet such as surveillance and the battle by big companies to control the web and web tools to make money and gain hegemony in new media industries.
You have made your own moving image production showing creativity. Reflect on how this experience has affected you personally. Try to link this with Gauntlett's theories which are hopefully positive and inspirational.
Explore his ideas further through the web-site David Gauntlett
This article is particularly interesting for us as he makes a valid point about theorists and the negative view of the internet age which often overshadows the positive aspects of our online age.
‘The internet is ancient, small steps are important, and four other theses about making things in a digital world’.
You will have to add your own critical perspective.
Research Twitter and Facebook as established web tools and also research new applications that are catching on.
Explore the world of the creators. Making and creating is maybe what separates humans from animals and is a higher order skill. You can apply this to your own production discussing how you analysed codes and conventions and then went further in creating your own media product. The desire to share and interact is also discussed by Gauntlett and can be seen in the new medium of internet vlogging.
You need to explore the world of vloggers and explain how this ties in with Gauntlett's theory and how it challenges the economic models of the media industry. Is this the future of the media on the internet?
Alfie Deyes
Joe Sugg
Caspar Lee
Examiners advice - Bring your own texts
There is obviously an audience for this media as some have 5 million subscribers. Who is the audience?
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