Monday, 15 June 2015

Student storyboards

The cells above are good as there is a clear attempt to provide the director with a sense of what is to be included in the frame and what type of shot is to be used. There is not much further written direction which would allow more information, particularly about sound, so that links could be made with the script. 

The shots planned in the storyboard can clearly be identified in the film.

This one contains relevant information but there is a sense of rough sketching and initial ideas being mapped out rather than a creative process being studied and aiding the choices made.  Stick characters and things like a sun meaning a garden area are not indicating exactly what needs to be included in the shot. therefore the point of the story-boarding process has not been fully understood.

A digital story-board is a good idea, taking photographs on location recces.  The problem here is that these are screenshots from the film and the storyboard is done retrospectively.  For story-boarding to be effective it needs to be an essential part of the planning stage.

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