Tuesday, 6 January 2015

AS evaluation

    1. Candidates should be encouraged to see the evaluation as a creative task and the potential of the format chosen should be exploited through the use of images, audio, video and links to online resources. Marks should be supported by teacher comments and may be supported by other forms such as audio or video presentations. 

      The format chosen for your evaluation is the web-log which allows you to be creative when evaluating by using a range of technologies.  There are seven questions and you could utilise a range of different presentational tools.

      •     Prezi
      • Green screen directors commentary
      • Audio voice-over the opening sequence
      • links to online resources and images by putting together an audio visual evaluation andposting to you-tube 
      • a blog entry with links and images and a written response

    􏰀  In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real
    media products? 

    Start by explaining how you have followed the forms and conventions of the genre you have worked in. Make links between your work and existing films and explin how they have influenced decisions.

    Go on to discuss how you revised or altered the production thruoghout the process.

    Explain how you have challenged the conventions or developed the genre in a new way 

    THis could be an audio commnterya in addition to a written blog post. 

  • 􏰀  How does your media product represent particular social groups? 

    Discuss the representations in your film. For example, representation of gender in the film noir genre is often problematic. Explain how you have represented the 'femme fatale' or the 'detective'. Have you challenged the stereotypes or modernised the narrative for a new audience?

    This could be an interview with the director in the form of a film magazine show for television.

    • What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

    You will have to explain how the distribution model will work for your film.   Is it a Warner Brothers film noir like those produced in the golden age of Hollywood or is it a Sony blockbuster?  How will exhibition and distribution differ between films.  You cretaed a title for your own production company and need to explain how the relationship works between a smaller company and its huge corporate sponsor.  You will have a lesson on Working Title films and its parent company Universal to help explain this relationship.
    •  Who would be the audience for your media product? 

    Profile an audience for your film going beyond the more obvious socio-economic groupings to dicuss a key demographic that your film is aimed at.  Use all the information about modern techniques of audience profiling essential in the world of advertising.

    •  How did you attract/address your audience?

    Explain how your film attracts this audience through the narrative, the characters, the themes and topics covered. How does the genre appeal to this demographic? Discuss similar films and how yours can be seen as similar.  How might you encourage interactivity where audiences get involved with your film in some way?

    What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? 
    This question could be a blog entry with images showing the technologies used to make the film.  Try and be exhaustive and make a list of all the hardware and software you have used.
    Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
    List all the skills that you have gained in making this film and explain how they have developed since beginning the course. Explain what you learnt in the preliminary task such as continuity editing and the 180 degree rule and then how you learnt much more when making your own film.
    To enable yo to understand the levels and marking here are some examples provided by the exam board.

    This evaluation gained 16/20


  • THis one (Snehal) gained 15/20 and the examiner stated, '
    A  range  of  tools  is  used  for  the  evaluation,  which  has  some  degree  of  depth  and   some  good  illustrations  and  examples  to  support  points  made.  The  powerpoint   for  Q.6  is  a  bit  pointless,  as  the  material  would  probably  have  been  more  effective  directly  on  the   blog.  Q.5  tries  to  make  use  of  annotation,  which  is  quite  
    effective.  The  video  for  Q.4  is  a  bit  simplistic  and  Q.2  is  a  little  limited  as  a  prezi.  
    Q.1  has  quite  a  lot  of  detail.  Overall,  a  mixed  bag,  but  enough  again  to  justify  a  
    clear  level  3

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