Galtung and Ruge (News values) 1965
This list has been added to and much discussed but allows a framework for discussion of what affects the news agenda.
We will look at some stories
Find out why this man is in the Tamworth Herald
Find out why this man is in The Sun
Identify the audiences for these newspapers
You will take a story from the news and apply it to each of these news values
1.Frequency short-term events like murders are preferred over long-term developments like a famine
2.Threshold the size of an event
3.Unambiguity ability to process the story and make the audience understand it
4.Meaningfulness how it relates to a specific audience in terms of cultural proximity - in which the event agrees with the outlook of a specific culture or relevance - where events will be reported and discussed if they seem to have an impact on the ‘home’ culture, especially a threat
5.Consonance or ‘correspondence’ where the familiar is more likely to be thought than the unfamiliar
6.Unexpectedness - or ‘surprise’ where it is the rarity of an event which leads to its
circulation in the public domain;
7.Continuity once a story achieves importance will be continued to be covered for some time
8.Composition - this is to provide a sense of balance, gloomy news with good news, foreign with domestic.
9.Reference to elite nations events are more likely to be reported if they occur in the developed
world; the threshold system would apply for developing countries’
events to be reported
10.Reference to elite persons - the famous and the powerful are more newsworthy than ordinary people
11.Personalisation - events are seen as actions of people as individuals; an institution
may be personalised by reference to a prominent person within that
12.Negativity - bad news is good for the press and TV news; the threshold is much lower for bad news than for good news
Find a story in your group and present it using the above to analyse news values
News values change depending on the audience
Identify the different audiences for the following news media;
Al Jazeera
Fox News
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