Monday, 27 April 2015

Case Study: Avengers ; Age of Ultron

Here are some links to articles that will help you to construct a case study about a global 'tent-pole' blockbuster made by a media conglomerate.

This article on the BBC web-iste explains the history of the Marvel super-hero genre and how it has become commercially successful from inauspicious beginnings. So much so that the franchise is more successful than Bond, Lord of the Rings or Star Wars on current box office takings. Keep an eye on the box office returns as the film opens and see if it smashes any records.  The recent release of FAst and Furious 7 showed the public appetite for these global products as it went through the billion dollar barrier in less than two weeks for global cinema box office sales. It also has some useful figures about box office receipts for the 11 films in the franchise so far.

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