Monday, 20 April 2015

Star Wars

This is the second teaser trailer released to much fan-fare and discussion on the internet last week.
We will de-construct the teaser trailers.

This one was released first in November 2015

This one was released in April 2015

Who is the institution behind the film?

Lucas Film was set up by George Lucas in 1971 and was sold to Walt Disney in 2012.  Disney is a global media conglomerate with five business segments: media networks, parks and resorts, studio entertainment, consumer products and interactive. It is worth £45 billion.

What is the film?

Star Wars is a franchise started in 1977 and after 3 classic films the franchise was relaunched with the first chronological Star Wars film 'Enemy of the Clones'.This will be the seventh film in the franchise.

Who is the audience for the film?

It has a huge cult following and this is the seventh film and is almost a guaranteed financial success due to the global profile of the Star Wars franchise.  The film is aimed primarily at a young audience but it is popular with age groups who have grown with the films and also fans of science fiction. Therefore several audiences can be identified. the key is that its characters and the narrative appel to a global audience.

How might Disney market this film?

Merchandise, trailers online, conventions, television interviews...

How will audiences consume this film?

Digital distribution will allow simultaneous global release
CHristmas 2015 will allow it to be the family blockbuster
It will be made in prints for IMAX 3D and 3D exhibition and traditional cinema projection
It will be available on DVD two months after release
Available to download and then stream on Disney subscription services
Cyber-security will be tight to avoid leakage and piracy and increase expectation and online discussion

You can choose this film or create a presentation for your own film answering these five key questions

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