Wednesday, 1 April 2015

The Future - streaming services and subsciption services

This link will take you to an article in the Guardian which outlines Apple's latest venture to react to the threat of streaming services such as Spotify.

This link will take you to an article in The Guardian about a new subscription service launched by Jay Z TIDAL.

This article will allow an insight into the success of SPOTIFY  and the comments are worth reading for the opinions of a range of people.

For instance, this comment is pertinent for us, 'Exactly but I'll even include Katie Perry in the equation. Sell direct as musicians. F**k off talentless middlemen gobshites. It really is that simple if you actually have musical talent. How much should a video, promotion, production & distribution cost in these internet days?'

How easy is this and isn't the problem that consumers will go to these streaming sites rather than the artists own site?  How will artists make money in the future? Is live music and a closer relationship to the fan-base the answer? What will happen to the 'gatekeepers' the behemoths of the muisc industry like Universal, Time Warner and Sony?

Conduct wider research and use these sources to discuss the future of the music industry.  

With all the election coverage you will probably be exhausted with all the messages selling you things but here are a few for TIDAL.  Try to work out what they are suggesting about their music service and their unique selling points.

 The second video explains the new service.

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